Tuesday, November 18, 2008


As all of you may know one of the biggest games in Utah is Utah vs BYU football game which is coming up this weekend. Brett and I are super excited as UTAH is undefeated this season and playing very well. You can plan on us watching the big game and cheering for our UTAH UTES! GOOOO UTES!!!!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Finally Halloween Stuff

Sorry It has taken me so long to get these posted. But here are a couple of pics from the Halloween Party Brett and I had on Halloween night. We had a ton of fun and we so glad all our friends came to celebrate with us. Hope you enjoy! Mr. & Mrs. SmrufAll my dance friends
Dan & Nancy Christina & JakeBrooke & ChrisMe & Tiffany Lynzie & Ashley

Ali & Friend

Amber & Tiffany

Me & Christina

Lauren, Tilia & Jessica
Josh & Fermin

Shawn & his girlfriend

Nessa, Ky, Deja, & Ashley

Ali, Amber, Ashley, Nessa, Lynzie, & Tiffany

Madie & Torrie

Annie & Marc

Michelle & Heather

Tiffany & Colin

Allred family

Angie & Brandie

Lauren, Me & Jessica

Me, Christina, Ky, Deja, & Ambree

Tiffany, Ali, & Ashely
Ky & Ambree

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Here We Go

Here we go blogging away, this is all pretty new for me, so hang in there with us. I am relaying on all of you to help me through this. I am open to any ideas or suggestions. I am super excited to keep in touch with all our friends and family.